How Do We Choose, Is There Choice?
What do we choose? We choose everything, right?
The clothes we buy and wear or don’t wear; food we eat or don’t eat; friends we spend time with or confide in; the insurance company for our possessions or life; our holidays; the paint colour on the walls; the music we listen to or use to blot out our thoughts; the TV programmes we love or hate; our days out, activities, chores and hobbies.
How do we choose what we want, or what we think another will want, because we choose to make another happy. We choose for our children to give them the best we can, given our circumstances or because that’s what our parents did, or another reason.
We exercise choice on a daily basis, many many times a day.
Or do we?
Do we feel we have no choice? Life is what it is and nothing can be done about it. I do what my parents and grandparents did. They struggled or they succeeded, or they did the best they could or they made some good life choices, or they complained a lot. Or perhaps life’s a struggle, because my parents didn’t do the best they could for me.
What is the story you inherited?
Do you feel like your mother, father or grandparent or do you feel like an individual with your own thoughts and experiences, nothing like your family’s?
Maybe we feel we have choice, but it takes a long time to achieve goals. Maybe we feel we can choose in every minute or second of our life. Because that is in fact what we do. How do we choose, is it really our own choice?
When we accept without question or don’t want to look, we are choosing too? Staying asleep is a choice. What are you choosing and what do you choose to choose?