Emotional Healing on Your Journey

Emotional healing is choosing to prioritise your mental health.

Do You Need Counselling or Life Coaching? Claire McAllister



Emotional Healing Beyond Limitations

You’ve arrived here because you’ve taken the first step, that’s brilliant! You resonate with something about me, my story or my creative work. This is important, as our connection is key to our successful relationship. Just as pupils who connect with their teachers at school remember that relationship their whole life, and something important they were taught, so we, in having a connection will accelerate Your Journey. All that is required is commitment to it. We don’t know what the journey will look like. We only have the first step with enough light to shine the next footstep. Like the children in The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe rummaging through to the back of the wardrobe and out into the unknown icescape of Narnia, we don’t know what your landscape will look like, although you may have a good sense of it. That sense is your nose, your direction.
Perhaps you don’t know if you need counselling or life coaching. What’s the difference?

Holistic Life Coaching with Claire McAllister


Let’s begin your journey together today…
Get in touch

Counselling focuses on understanding, resolving and emotional healing of trauma, pain and suffering carried from the past so that you feel as though you are no longer burdened by them. There is no time limit as to how long it takes for you to feel more at peace with how you feel. Life Coaching, on the other hand, focuses on the present, your future goals and how to achieve them, whether personal, career, relationship or another area of life. It is about making changes, implementing action with a plan with ongoing support. There is some crossover with emotional healing naturally, as often our goals cannot be reached until we have removed the obstacles to our progress which can often come from our past. These may take the form of self-limiting beliefs, unhelpful attitudes and mindsets or unhealthy coping strategies which take over to numb past wounds. Additionally, sometimes we find in counselling that a focus on our future is helpful to balance the more reflective way of working. Usually life coaching is for people who have already done emotional healing work on themselves and are not finding life challenges overwhelming. Please feel free to give me a call for a chat about which will serve you best.

Enormous Emotional Healing Can Happen

Emotional Healing With Claire McAllister Holistic Life Coach
In our coaching together we will be looking carefully at your goal and a plan forward. We will identify and unpack what is holding you back, your challenges and the difficulties you are facing in achieving your goal. There will be practices or exercises which you will do between sessions, to work on these challenges which will be necessary for your progress. I will lovingly challenge you where I see you are stuck, or perhaps harbouring unhelpful habits or beliefs so that we can shine a light on what is happening, and what you can do about it. For example, you may be self sabotaging, (causing your own problems without realising it), by keeping yourself from moving forward positively because that strategy actually helped you deal with past challenges. Discovering that this behaviour is no longer useful is a huge liberation and the benefits of this kind of work are life changing. You may want to opt for one intense session as and when you need it, or spread the work over six or twelve weekly sessions.
The benefits from Life Coaching are huge. Enormous transformation can happen if you are committed to this work. Years of feeling stuck or sluggish, unmotivated, anxious, tired or overwhelmed can often be dissolved quickly with a new sense of vitality, hope, energy and purpose because in the sessions we are emotional healing and lovingly putting your obstacles and pain points under the spotlight, giving them real time attention and working with them to learn the way forward.  With my focused support, you will make big changes which will lead to renewed fulfilment, success, happiness, joy and purpose. Isn’t that what we all want? Get in touch here to learn more.